Posts Tagged: education

Do you run a seahorse business or any business? If yes, then this article is perfect for you. It can be hard to keep up with demands and keep your customers happy in today’s competitive market. Thankfully, we’re here to help! We’ve provided six different strategies that will allow you to increase productivity and profit in your seahorse business: 1)   Focus on one thing at a time instead of multitasking Multitasking can be a great way to get lots of things done at once, but it can also lead to inefficiency and frustration. Instead… Read Article →

There is a giant fish in the lake near my home.  I kayak there often and this monster fish taunts me.  I am not a fisherman so the fish is not something I dream about catching. The water in the lake is warm year round and the giant fish is some kind of carp I suspect.  It seems to wait for me to pass then jump out of the water right by my kayak.  One of these days it will probably jump right into my boat.  I know that the fish is going to flop right… Read Article →

There are tons of fish sites out there with plenty of options, but how many of them have copepods to add to your collection? In fact, for those that do not know, what are copepods? Basically they are small groups of crustacean (like crabs, lobsters, etc.) parasites that can be found in just about every habitable freshwater environment and they are so SMALL! Copepods make the perfect food for your fish rather than feeding them some man-made pellets from a bottle. You can get copepods for under $50 at Reefs2Go and your fish will be healthier, happier and probably thank… Read Article →

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